Welcome to Daytime Programming at the 2016 Young Jains of America (YJA) Convention! This convention will connect nearly 700 young Jains from around the world! Daytime sessions will feature engaging and inspirational speakers about Jainism and the importance of its values to youth. In addition, YJA will be bringing back the Jain Academic Bowl (JAB) and introduce JIA: Jains in Action, an interactive program allowing participants to turn their ideas into reality. Get excited for some diverse and powerful sessions about Jain education, interfaith, lifestyle, college/careers, social impact, and much more as we set out to become Agents of Change!
Houston Kraft is a professional speaker, leadership consultant, and kindness advocate. He has spoken to nearly half a million students, staff, and parents across the country through nearly 400 events sharing his message of compassion, character, leadership, and love. Houston doesn't just inspire people to change for a day. His goal is to inspire a lifestyle - one rooted in character, compassion, and a consistent desire to choose to love people around us (even when that choice is scary, inconvenient, or hard).
He is the creator of the Choose Love Movement and CharacterStrong - an app and curriculum that focuses on habit development for your heart. When he isn’t speaking, he is traveling the world with his wife, Harley, or playing a fierce game of laser tag. Learn more and get excited to meet this Agent of Change in July!
Below are the exciting Daytime sessions we have planned for you – hover over the icons to see more! JNF attendees can find their sessions on the JNF Page.
Please note that daytime programming sessions are subject to change.